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On Wed, 07 Nov 2012 16:29:21 +0100, Dan Lewis <> wrote:
On 11/07/2012 10:00 AM, Bjørn K Nilssen wrote:
I made a 'template' in LO for an A3 leaflet with a background image (page style) on the first page. No margins, but with boxes with text, table and images on top of it.
Everything works fine in LO, and also if exported as PDF.
But when saved as .doc the entire background image is gone.

Any ideas about what happens?
Can't you use background images in Word?

So far the client has to use the pdf ...
The problem is the same as it always has been: a file created by one program does not always look the same when viewed in another program. This has been known to happen even in different versions of Word. PDF was designed to prevent this problem, so I doubt that it is a matter of the client "has to use ..." but rather is a good choice.
They actually have Acrobat XI (or whatever it is called, as they wasn't  
sure what they had..), but they don't know how to use it.
The idea was that they should be able to reuse the front/back background  
images, logo etc on all their leaflets.
Specifically, Word uses background images in different way than LibreOffice. As a test, I opened an .odt file using Abiword which is suppose to use ODF formats. It had some graphics that Abiword rendered as small thumbnails. It had a numbered list that covered several paragraphs. Abiword put them into a single paragraph while wrapping text.
Earlier this week I used Word for the first time in many years, and I must  
say that I do not think it has evolved in a good way. No wonder that so  
few of the .doc files I receive are using styles instead of directly  
formatted text. I never was a Word fan (I loved Ami Pro before Lotus  
destroyed it) , but I think it was better earlier.
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