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On Tue, 2012-07-17 at 20:49 -0400, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
decided to upload the 3.5.5 to the same place I uploaded the Win/Mac 
.iso file

That way, you should have access to it by the time you wake up Wed., 
Excellent - alright, well for the kunaki service one must use their
software, windows I set that up 

Still don't have the single page insert ready, but did a dry run just to
try the cover, label in the layout, with the bar code... turned out, of
course that I needed to move the bottom items for the code..

Also author/publisher information. I've taken the information available
and a possible set of answers, for review here

That document includes, as you see, screen shots of the vendor supplied
layout package with the two files from earlier. 

Let me know what you think on publishing information?
- I'll (or anyone else for that matter) have to get to work and make the
na.libobox site match up to the downloadable iso. 

Unfortunately it appear that the only way to use the kunaki software is
with a locally attached drive, so it will be late tomorrow before the
job order will be are ready, earliest - 2-4 day delivery time before I
can inspect the finished package.


It is uploading at about 120 KB/s, which is about right for my crappy 
coax in this building and the system that Time-Warner Cable uses in my 
area of the NYS.  I was told I should get 900-1000 KB/s as part of my 
contract, but the building has coax from the mid 1970's and the local 
"node" has over 10 times the users as T.W.C. tech people tells me that 
should be on the  cable TV/Internet/Digital-Phone/etc. feeder node[s]. 
in my area for the services provided.  The node was good when there was 
100 channels of cable, but not over 2000 potential free/paid-per-view 
channels, the Internet, the digital phone systems, the security systems, 
and all of the other possible service you can order from them.  It is 
like wanting 56K modem speeds from hardware designed for the older 14.4K 
or less speeds.

So it is 8:48 pm, and it may be uploaded in about 10 hours.

On 07/17/2012 08:35 PM, drew wrote:
On Tue, 2012-07-17 at 19:58 -0400, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
The only problem I have is printing it on my laser printer.
Ever since 2 "large" Ubuntu updates ago - June - that required me to
delete the HP printers and reinstall them, I have had memory error for
these larger graphic rich files.  Either the HPLIP updates are messing
with me or some other thing in Ubuntu is doing it.  I had enough memory
- 48 MB - installed for it to work before, but now it has issues.

Had to scale the image down 50% in image size, then scale it back up
during printing.

Need more ink to print it out in color right now.  Just have not kept up
with the ordering.

By the way
Is this cover for a "thin Movie DVD case"?
yes - it is sized specifically for the case available at kunaki, per
there printer specs.

To answer your question from the last email
- I believe I should alter the physical file from the jpg on libo-na
site now, to meet the printer spec. I've made the change (re-size) and
format and put a copy of it here:

I still need to put together a single page insert.

As soon as I can upload the iso file I'll order a single item:
disk, insert, case, shrink wrapped for review. The cost is reasonable.

If the quality is decent then I will need to
1 - get a UPC from Amazon
2 - Update the cover art to include the UPC

Kunaki has arrangements with Amazon and it can then be setup as a drop
ship item on Amazon.


On 07/17/2012 07:02 PM, drew jensen wrote:
On Tue, 2012-07-17 at 15:14 -0400, drew jensen wrote:
Hi Tim,

Do you have a link URL for the latest iso on the Libo mirrors?

I will get a couple of pages updated linking to it.

- a case cover. See the attached file for a v3.5.5 cover, not sure I
really like it..let me know what you think.
Hi Tim,

Alright well I thought the cover I sent along in the earlier email could
do with a touch up and I wanted the folks on the list to have a chance
to make any suggestions also. [so added the list Hi]

So - did a update and put a copy to the wiki:


Getting actual disks pressed and for sale.

Talked with a rep. at Amazon and kunaki (a fulfillment service) and it
looks like this can be set up - maybe even later today, though likely it
will be tomorrow.

Let me know on that URL ok.

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