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Hi everyone,

First of all: very nice feature indeed!

On 15 November 2011 19:15, Michael Meeks <> wrote:
       :-) sounds reasonable. My only concern would be to make it discoverable
and of course performance: would we take a per-keystroke hit there ? so
perhaps having it easy-to-enable but disabled by default would make
How large is the hit? Has anyone measured already?
Personally, I can't really perceive anything when comparing writing
with the Word Count window open v/ without it.

eg. Page 1/2 (354 words)
Would that be an acceptable UI change?
       Sounds fine to me - but we have the ux-advise list for this sort of
thing. I think Kendy is gunning to allow people to remove the status bar
altogether ;-) but ... no doubt that is not to everyone's taste.
I tend to agree with Kendy here. We also already have a lot of things
in the status bar already, to the point where it looks cluttered on
smaller screens.

I think MS Word has something I this, but I no idea if it on by default
or some soft of option or dock.
       Interesting question of course. Clearly docking the word-count window
is an easy option wrt. adding new UI.
I like this as a solution much better, that's for two reasons:
* currently we don't use the space to sides of the pages at all
(except for the ruler and the scrollbar)
* more information can be presented in a much more coherent manner
than in a status bar
Would it be possible to add the word count as a "Tasks" sidebar
element (see Impress/Draw)? (This is possible in Writer, see the
recently released AccessODF extension [1] which also uses the tasks
sidebar. I think the interface is also XML based there, no idea if
that tells us anything about how easy relayouting is.)




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