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Hi :)
When renaming or creating a back-up i tend to find it's better to use the
date in reverse order, eg .2014-01-02, rather than .old or .backup.  Makes
it easier to figure out which ones to delete and which to keep.

In the past crashes have been due to either;
1.  java issues or
2.  user profile issues, such as Extensions that don't work in a newer
version of LO

The easiest one to test for and quickly fix is 2.  Also java issues are
much less likely now unless you use the internal back-end in Base,
sometimes accessibility bridges to screen-readers, some wizards.  We could
probably help you avoid most of those - for example by migrating to an
external back-end in Base.  However it's quite likely that you have java
switched on even though you don't need it at all.  If you do need it then
you might need to try out a few versions of java, hopefully just their most
recent update might work but it's never certain.

Also a 'few' months ago a couple of people seemed to experience crashes
that i don't think we ever quite figured out.  I think we even started to
look into hardware issues.

LibreOffice itself is rarely/never the problem but hopefully we can help
you find which 3rd party issue is causing the problem.  Hopefully it's just
one of the Extensions/Add-ons in your User Profile.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 2 January 2015 at 10:15, Carlo Strata <> wrote:

Hi Everyone and Happy New Year,

@Rogier: it sounds like you have to start with a clean LibreOffice user
profile directory (you can simply rename it with a ".old" extension ad let
LibreOffice generate a new one at the next start). Here you can find some
details on how to do it depending on various Operating Systems:

@Paul: the LibreOffice version number is on the mail object... ;-)

Have a nice day,


ing. Carlo Strata
via Botticelli 1/4
30031 Dolo - VE
Italia - Italy
tel. +39.041.822.0665
cell. +39.347.85.69.824
Skype carlo.strata
Google carlo.strata.69

Il 31/12/2014 19:40, Paul ha scritto:

 Hi Rogier,
This may sound silly, but as an interim solution, how about installing
an older version of LO? It must be better than going back to MSO!

Perhaps you could give a few more details of your setup, maybe that
will help someone dig deeper into the problem.

For example, you say the "latest version of LO", but which branch and
latest version as of when? Exactly which version have you installed,
and which version did you have before? Did you do a clean install, or
install over the previous version? Do you have java installed, and
which version? Which version of windows 7 are you on, and is it 32 or
64 bits?

Do you get any error messages when LO crashes?

Any other details that you might have that could assist us?


On Wed, 31 Dec 2014 10:19:33 -0500
"Rogier F. van Vlissingen" <> wrote:

 Since I've installed the latest version it crashed upon opening.
The LO startup window will flash on the screen, and then the program

In short, I had to switch back to MSOffice in the middle of a
project, and after 15 years with OO and LO, it ain't easy going
back ;-)

Any suggestions, please?

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and I'm on a Windows 7 machine.

*Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen <>*
*About Me <>*

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