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I would like to announce that the LibreOffice North American Community 
DVD Project has uploaded its 4.3.2 version ISO file.
[4.3.0, 4.3.1, and 4.3.2 versions are listed here]

Thanks to all of the people who have downloaded the 4.3.1 ISO file. You have indicated that this project is still wanted, and not just by people in the USA.
Below is the list [fixed width formatted] of the top 18 of the 34 
countries where people lives who downloaded the 4.3.1 ISO file.  The 
site also lists the downloads by the OS type of the system.
The "by country list" shows that the project is reaching out to more 
than just North America.  So thanks again to every one who downloaded 
the 4.3.1 version.  Hopefully the 4.3.2 [ version 2] ISO file 
will be as popular.
Timothy Lungstrom
Founder/Manager of the LO NA-DVD project -
living in New York State, USA.

Country, Linux, Mac, Unknown, Windows, total downloads
1.     United States              7%     1%     17%     75%     72
2.     Thailand                   0%     0%      0%    100%     21
3.     Netherlands                0%     0%     11%     89%     18
4.     Germany                   27%     0%     40%     33%     15
5.     Australia                  0%     0%      0%    100%     14
6.     United Arab Emirates     100%     0%      0%      0%     12
7.     Italy                      0%     0%      0%    100%     11
8.     Spain                     80%     0%      0%     20%      5
9.     Mexico                     0%     0%      0%    100%      5
10.    Romania                   50%     0%      0%     50%      4
11.    Philippines               67%     0%      0%     33%      3
12.    Poland                     0%     0%      0%    100%      3
13.    Taiwan                     0%     0%      0%    100%      3
14.    Canada                     0%     0%      0%    100%      2
15.    Brazil                     0%     0%      0%    100%      2
16.    France                     0%    50%      0%     50%      2
17.    Bolivia                    0%     0%     50%     50%      2
18.    Croatia                    0%     0%      0%    100%      2

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