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Hi Dave,

On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 13:54 -0700, Dave Lacy Kusters wrote:
I tried tracking down the generation of the linker paths, but got bogged 
down in the details.  Then, I tried --without-stlport.  That got me different
errors, so I switched gears and tried --disable-kde and --disable-kde4.  I 
got further, but hit an error compilng forms/source/component/GroupManager.cxx.
The error is:

 error: 'lower_bound' is not a member of '_STL'
        Urk :-) I removed my forms/ directory, updated and re-built
- it seems to be a transient problem; prolly introduced by some
over-enthusiastic windows porting ;-)

        Sorry pardon, and thanks for persisting here ! hopefully as/when we
branch for 3.3 (Saturday) we will have a stable branch to recommend for
new builds.

        The KDE / stlport nasty is really awful though; I -thought- we agreed
to default to --without-stlport : Caolan - is that so ? [ or do we again
need an auto-detecting thing that prefers the system version, for the
Devel profile ? ;-]

        All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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