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Hi Zhen,

I think, this list is inappropriate. You should try it on the developer list or chat, see part "if you need help getting started,.." on
Kind regards

Zhen Anddavid schrieb:
Hi, All

I'm trying to build the LibreOffice source.
But while building, I met the error.
The error follows as below.

libreoffice-\embedserv\source\inc\stdafx.h(22) : fatal error C1083:
Cannot open include file: 'atlbase.h': No such file or directory
make[1]: ***
Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: ***
Error 2
make: *** [build] Error 2

There is "atlbase.h" file in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
10.0\VC\atlmfc\include" on my computer.
My build environment follows as below.
Windows 7 SP1 (32bit), Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate SP1, cygwin

I used following instructions to build it.
     mkdir -p /opt/lo/bin/make
     cd $(SRC_ROOT)\Tools\dev-tools\make-3.82-gbuild
     cp ./make.exe /bin/
     cp ./make.exe /usr/bin/
     cp ./make.exe /usr/local/bin/make.exe
     cp ./make.exe /opt/lo/bin/make.exe
     cd $(SRC_ROOT)
     chmod 755 * -R
--without-junit --disable-activex --disable-directx --enable-dbgutil
--without-help --without-myspell-dicts --without-doxygen
     time make

Please help me. Thanks.


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