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On 15/04/17 21:19, Dave Howorth wrote:
On Sat, 15 Apr 2017 18:04:47 +0200
Johnny Rosenberg <> wrote:

Since this is still the only mailing list that I'm on that requires
me to hit ”Reply to all” to reply to the group, I failed doing so
again, and all the crap ended up at the OP only… so this is my second

Well that must be a problem with the crap mailer you use. A simple
reply works fine for me.

The list mails don't have a 'reply-to' header. So, eg, Thunderbird's simple 'message|reply' would go to the sender only; TB does however have a 'reply to list' option that does the necessary.

But to return to the OP's LO issue.

It looks as though he has a writer file with an embedded calc document. Exporting as docx indeed renders the embedded spreadsheet as an image. I'm not sure what he would expect to happen - embed an LO spreadsheet in a MS Word document!? Translate the spreadsheet to something Word supports in the same way (IIRC not in general possible but IANAE) Or what?

My thought though is his document is 'inside out'. If the important parts are the numbers, perhaps it would better be a Calc document with embedded text and images; I'd suggest this would export better to something MS might support.

He doesn't say why he needs to export to docx - I thought these days MS had some support for ODF documents. Could the recipient not cope with the odt file?

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England

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