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Makes sense - next question is, how the hell did this happen? ;) I haven't tinkered at all with settings, haven't reset my profile, etc . . . all other documents work fine, just this one hit a snag.


On 08/25/2014 12:09 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 07:16 25/08/2014 -0700, Joel Madero wrote:
I have the following two documents: ...
I'm wondering why the TOC on my evidence briefs is so screwed up (no indentation at all) while the copyright one is just fine.
The indentation and so on of entries in the table of contents are 
controlled by paragraph styles called Contents 1, Contents 2, etc. In 
your Copyright document, these styles have indentations progressively 
0.5 cm larger than the previous level. In your Evidence document, 
Contents 2, 3, and 4 all have indentations of zero. This creates 
exactly the arrangement you see.
You could choose to tinker with those styles manually or you can copy 
them from one document to another:
o In Evidence, open the Styles and Formatting window. (Go to Format | 
Styles and Formatting, or press F11, or click the Styles and 
Formatting button in the Formatting toolbar.)
o Click New Style from Selection | Load Styles... .
o In the Load Styles dialogue, tick Overwrite.
o Click From File... and browse to and Open the Copyright document.


I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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