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At 11:32 28/03/2016 -0400, Helen Etters wrote:
Is there a way, in L.O. spreadsheet, to lock the rows so that a row cannot take more than one line?
The default formatting of cells means that text does not flow to 
further lines in a cell unless either you enter Ctrl+Enter to create 
a line break or you tick Format | Cells... | Alignment | Properties | 
Wrap text automatically.
So that all rows have the same height.
Even if you allow multiple lines, you can easily reset any row height 
to whatever you want.
Freeze doesn't seem to do that.
That's not surprising: Freeze does something else entirely.

Do you perhaps mean that you want others to be able to use the spreadsheet and to modify it, but not to modify the height of a particular row or rows? You can do that by protecting the row or rows, but that also prevents modification of other features of those rows, including their contents - which you may not want. To avoid that, you could protect a single otherwise unused cell in any such row; other cells in the row could then be modified. The problem is that this appears to prevent explicit changes to the row height - by dragging the row boundary or setting the height via the menus - but not automatic ones through "Wrap text automatically" or ones stimulated by Ctrl+Enter line breaks.
o Click the rectangle where the row and column headers meet (or press 
Ctrl+A) to select the entire sheet.
o Go to Format | Cells... | Cell Protection | Protection and remove 
the tick from Protected.
o Select the row or rows you want to protect or the unused cell or cells.
o Go to Format | Cells... | Cell Protection | Protection and tick Protected.
o Now go to Tools | Protect Document > | Sheet... and enter your password.

But I fear that this will not achieve what you need.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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