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On 04/13/2012 06:03 PM, Don Myers wrote:

On 04/13/2012 08:37 PM, NoOp wrote:
The only bits you need to watch out for is where the user
configuration files are placed. In order to not have one write over
the other, I simply modify the bootsraprc file *before first run* so
that each have their own user config/profile files. Example:

For LO 3.3:
$ gksu gedit /opt/libreoffice/program/bootstraprc
and change

For LO 3.4:
$ gksu gedit /opt/libreoffice3.4/program/bootstraprc


For LO 3.5:
$ gksu gedit /opt/libreoffice3.5/program/bootstraprc


Create menu items to each (example:
'/opt/libreoffice3.5/program/soffice'), and that's it. The
Ubuntu/distro version will keep it's profile at ~/.libreoffice/3/user
(or ~/.config/libreoffice/3/user in the case of the 3.5 versions), the
others will name&  put the profile as you've intsructed in the
bootstraprc file.

Thank you NoOp. I appreciate the information. The bad experience I had 
was about 2 years ago with OpenOffice. I had updated that to a new 
version. Several months later Ubuntu had an upgrade, and they had the 
same version of Open Office I had upgraded to. I didn't think anything 
about it. When I went to use Calc, I had some of the strangest 
behaviors. For any formula, it always gave the wrong answers, even for 
very obvious ones, such as 2+2, or 2*25. The only way I got things 
working properly again was to uninstall OpenOffice completely, then I 
reinstalled the application directly from OpenOffice.

Ah. That is most likely of the two sharing the same profile
(~/ That is why I ensure that the standard
install profiles are different from the distro version. For OOo 3.4
(standard) my bootstraprc file is modified to:
That kept it completely separate from the distro ~/

Note: the advantage of keeping (U)OOo installed (at the time) was that
(U)OOo used the go-oo version, so it used gstreamer for multimedia. The
standard versions of OOo did not & so you had to install the ancient
Java Media Format (JMF) & that was a royal PITA. The advantage of
keeping all of these installed on my system is that I can easily compare
differences between versions, including putting windows of each

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