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On 08/27/2015 03:37 PM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 08/27/2015 03:27 PM, Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
On 08/27/2015 01:37 PM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 08/27/2015 12:35 PM, Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
Saw commit [1], probably INetProtocol needs adjusting too.
Don't think so.  Since INetURLObject falls back to INetProtocol::Generic
now, there's rarely need these days to keep adding schemes to
INetURLObject/INetProtocol.  (For example, "dav" and "davs" are not
there, either.)
Then, while checking for the scheme of a url to determine if it's webdav
or not, in SfxMedium::LockOrigFileOnDemand and SfxMedium::UnlockFile I

INetProtocol aProto =  GetURLObject().GetProtocol();
if( aProto ==  INetProtocol::Http || aProto ==  INetProtocol::Https ||
aProto ==  INetProtocol::VndSunStarWebdav )
// WebDAV !

Or is there another way to detect the protocol ?
Yeah, only after pressing "send" I understood that your "probably
INetProtocol needs adjusting too" was meant in the context of your
pending <>.

See <> for tentative new
functionality to allow to easily check also for an
INetProtocol::Generic's INetURLObject scheme.  And feel free to push in
combination with your 17189 if it proves useful for your needs.
worked like a charm! Thanks Stephan, I'll add it to my patch set list, 
that will became three patch long, yours the first.
I wonder if in INetURLObject I can put a single method  like this:

bool INetURLObject::IsWebDAV()
        return ( hasScheme( "http" ) ||
          hasScheme( "https" ) ||
          hasScheme( "vnd.sun.start.webdav" ) ||
          hasScheme( "vnd.sun.start.webdavs" ) );

to have this test in a single place? Currently I repeat it four times.

Finally, looking at the code in INetURLObject I noticed this comment:

and this chunk of code:

should be added as well?

LibreOffice mailing list

Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno
Acca Esse
giuseppe.castagno at


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