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2017-04-17 21:51 GMT+02:00 lismurn <>:

Is it possible to show two sheets of the same spreadsheet and to edit each
cell as required on both parts without going to the individual Plot and
Burial Sheets.

I have a spreadsheet in which one sheet, Plots, shows the details of plots
in a graveyard including location, ownership, date registered etc.

The other sheet, Burials, shows who has been buried in each plot.

I have attached a jpeg example using Microsoft Excel but want to use
"Libreoffice Calc Spreadsheet" if possible.

Y​ou can duplicate the currently open document using the Window menu:
"Window" -> "New window". You can then place them the way you want (most
desktop environment allow easily placing windows on half-screen or quarter
of screen).​
​By default the new window might be on a different sheet but you can also
have the same sheet open in both windows.​

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