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What I though I was being asked to do was to modify my
efforts and create a DVD based on the style that the German
site shows being done.  I was thinking that we were going
to produce a DVD that was made for our market needs.

The needs of an end-user, not an end-user and developer.

I was going to do as much of the work as I can do in English,
then rely on French and Spanish people to edit the translations
that Google does to the English pages.  Then there will be all
the links to the French and Spanish version of whatever can be
found that is part of the English version.

I was going to do my best to make a user friendly DVD.  I know
that there will be many business types who will be confused with
the development page[s] off the main navigation bar, but no
easy to get access to the Documentation of the office suite.

I had worked on my end for so little amount of time and did
not get even half of what I wanted done, started or finished.

Then, when I get through with my English work, and get the
French and Spanish translation work started, I would turn that
part over to someone who knows those languages for them to
finish the editing.  I have not had any chance to do that "language"
editing yet myself from the translation effort from German to English.

On 02/19/2011 02:34 PM, Sophie Gautier wrote:
Hi Drew, all,
On 19/02/2011 21:36, drew wrote:

Hello Sophie,

Great to see you here - it looks as if today is a good day to take a few
moments and sketch out what has been happening here, as it has certainly
been evolving and morphing.

In brief - the website that Tim put up is from his efforts to produce a
disc he can hand deliver to old clients and friends, and expects to be a
few more weeks in the process. (Tim, I thought that is how you put it)

The disc I'm producing is for the one time use to hand deliver at a
Linux expo, this weekend, so I'm likely going to trim lots of tings out
of the the image as a last step.

There is I think a growing idea to keep that going, by looking at
creating from these efforts a team based community ISO image for this
disc. Perhaps with aof merger of what Tim and I are doing, I would think
makes the most sense.

However - primarily speaking to the active folks on the list now
- We really have not talked about what the folks on the LibreOfficeBox
team have in mind. They are I believe envisioning their efforts becoming
the standard ISO distribution for all languages.

I think that is an idea that certainly seems to make sense, at least on
some levels. For them to do that efficiently two things IMO:

People here would need to help with the work.

The work also has to be moved into a more accessible location then just
on the German language lists.

But that is not something to decide on today.

Back to what is directly before us:

When Tim and I looked for templates it seems we both looked to same
place, I assume for the same reason, to Kami's collection as being the
fastest road to a solid collection with the correct licensing.

@Sophie - right now, that is I think a good overview of the chaos :-)
going on.
Thanks for your explanation Drew :-) It's a bit more clear now.
There are some open questions in my mind, right now, about what fr
documentation files to include. The best way anyone could help right now
is just to say - take these (with one of more links) and nothing else -
and it will be so.
Ok, I'll have a look tomorrow to the DE content to have an idea of the 
targeted audience.
What can be done too is the adaptations the fr_CA version don't get 
with the fr_FR version, such as AutoCorrection file for example.
Also, organizing the work between the different teams (like 
documentation and l10n) in the FR project will help. Our doc team is 
well aware of what is available and needed. The FR forum admins have 
produced a lot of templates, I'm sure they'll be interested to 
So - this email got a bit long and I think another one like it later
today, after I finish up what is in the editor now.
Ok, my day is almost over and part of the night will be dedicated to 
localization. So I'll check tomorrow the content for DE and EN and 
will come with some concrete propositions or links.
Kind regards

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