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Good morning,

I solved the problem. I thougth than UpdateDocMode.NEVER_UPDATE will set up loading without warning. It is not true, the problem solved set libre office by hand in options -> set update document from on request to never update. It solving the problem. I thinking now why UpdateDocMode property not working and how set Never Update documents from code (its not good idea to setting libre office conf by hand :D).
However, thanks for help. If You will have fast answer for no update by 
code, it will be glad to read good tip.
Have a nice day,
Bartłomiej Mikos

--- Treść przekazanej wiadomości ---
Temat:  Re: Ask for help, Young developer request
Data:   Mon, 23 Feb 2015 08:35:30 +0100
Nadawca:        Bartłomiej Mikos PrimeSoft Polska <>
Adresat:        Andrew Pitonyak <>

Good Morning,

I tried use XModifiable to close xlsx file, my method for making pdf looks like that:
    public void convertToPdf(String sourcePath, String destinyPath)
            throws java.lang.Exception {

        PropertyValue[] properties = new PropertyValue[3];

        properties[0] = getHiddenProperty();

        properties[1] = new PropertyValue();
        properties[1].Name = "UpdateDocMode";
        properties[1].Value = new Short((short) 1);

        properties[2] = new PropertyValue();
        properties[2].Name = "ReadOnly";
        properties[2].Value = new Boolean(true);

        String sourceURL = convertFilePathToURL(sourcePath);
        String destinyURL = convertFilePathToURL(destinyPath);

        XComponent xComponent = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
                sourceURL, "_blank", 0, properties);

XModel xModel = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xComponent);
        XModifiable xModifiable = 


        XStorable xStorable = null;
        if (xComponent != null) {
xStorable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, xComponent);
            if (xStorable != null) {
                properties = new PropertyValue[2];
                properties[0] = getPDFWriterProperty();
                properties[1] = new PropertyValue();
                properties[1].Name = "Wait";
                properties[1].Value = new Boolean(true);

                xStorable.storeToURL(destinyURL, properties);

        //I tried use XModifiable here too

        if (xStorable != null) {
XCloseable closeable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCloseable.class,
            if (closeable != null) {
                try {
                } catch (CloseVetoException closeVetoException) {
                   //exception problem
            } else {
XComponent xComp = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class,

It not helps with that issue. Maybe usefull information is that I used UpdateDocMode (all options) and there still appears warn window "update/links [yes][no]". Have You some other tips which can help?.
Thanks you for Your interest,
Have a nice day.

W dniu 2015-02-20 o 14:35, Andrew Pitonyak pisze:
First use XModifiable and if
"isModified" is true call
"setModified" to set to false.

See of that helps.

On Feb 20, 2015 3:12 AM, 
=?UTF-8?Q?Bart=C5=82omiej_Mikos_PrimeSoft_Polska?=<>  wrote:
Good Morning,

I have problem with use of java LibreOffice Api 4.3

Is a possible way to close XComponent (xlsx type) in save way?.

I have converting to pdf method. I use XStorable.storeToURL() The
converting works fine, but when I try to close like this:

          if (xStorable != null) {
              XCloseable closeable =
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCloseable.class, xStorable);
              if (closeable != null) {
                  try {
                  } catch (CloseVetoException closeVetoException) {
                      //problem with xlsx files, always occure
              } else {
                  XComponent xComp =
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, xStorable);

I tried to dispose a XController and the XFrame. In that case window is
closed, but in next time XComponentLoader cannot load the XComponent,
problem with socket etc.

Can You tell me what i should do to make it work fine?. Maybe i should
know more about something or You had some simillar problems?.

I hope You will find time to answer,
Have a nice day.

LibreOffice mailing list
Z poważaniem,
Bartłomiej Mikos
Bartłomiej Mikos
software engineer <> <>

PrimeSoft Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Perkuna 25, 61-615 Poznań tel/fax 61/833-17-72
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*Dla Państwa już od 10 lat*
Dnia 25 września 2014 roku odbyła się konferencja "10-lecie PrimeSoft Polska: okiem klienta, okiem dostawcy – wymiana doświadczeń biznesowych". W wydarzeniu wzięli udział przedstawiciele firm i instytucji będących klientami oraz partnerami biznesowymi PrimeSoft Polska. Relacja z wydarzenia <>


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