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On 07/04/2011 08:14 PM, drew wrote:
On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 19:55 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
On 07/04/2011 05:24 PM, drew wrote:
On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 16:38 -0400, drew wrote:
On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 11:40 -0400, drew wrote:

So - with that, I'll stop, for an hour or so, and get ready for the
conference all.
Alright - used the time after the conf. call to just do a litle video
edit..lost Italo for the updated the file on the local
server voice soundtrack, w/one small exception...

Overall this has the a message..and maybe get Italo back
in :)
and just for kicks - added a sound track - STILL the voice over to go...
so, this is me thinking cheesy Hula music...Don Ho..

Would you prefer a waltz by a marching band, circa 1905...?
I have some [somewhere] old versions/recordings of Sousa's Band!!!!
These were digitalized from the cylinder recordings - i.e. that era.
Scratchy, you bet, but it is recording of Sousa's Band doing the music
that made Sousa famous.  I was looking for sound track music for some
old silent movies I have on the subject of early railroads, including
many old Edison movies.  I thought that having recording from that time
would be good to be the background music for movies of that era.
So if you want some of these recordings, I can upload them and give you
the links.
Well, there is 4 hours left in the day - but time is running out and I
think, _think_ I'll beat midnight eastern time.

I should have thought of Sousa's Band yesterday or earlier.
Well maybe next year.
so meanwhile - took the video back through the blender...had to create a
little special scene with ITalo, as the OpenShot editor did not like the
file downloaded from after slicing out a few seconds to a
format it preferred...he is back..

and here is that with the watch sound track to fix the
graphic on the opening of the SELF scene -maybe - I still haven't added
my own voice over...of course if someone pulling this down wants to
record some words ...send me the sound file and I'll gladly stitch

back - toot suite,


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