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On 1-6-2014 19:03, Alan B wrote:
On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Oogie McGuire <>

I'm tearing my hair out here.


Oogie are you still thinking of tearing out hair or have you gotten a
solution from the responses so far?

If you're still in the hair tearing stage perhaps you might find the
following useful...


A number NEVER has leading zero's. This has nothing to do with the fact that it can be displayed with leading zero's, if using the format functionallity of Calc.
Below is a good advise to determine if a field is a text value, or a 
number value

3. What is the data type of each of the spreadsheet columns you want to

To see the data type of a value in a cell enter the formula
=CELL("TYPE",<address>) in a nearby cell. The <address> should refer to the
cell that needs to be inspected. Is the result of the formula "l" or "v"?
The first result is a lower case letter L the second is much more obvious,
a lower case v. <address> needs to be a cell reference, e.g. B5, not the
literal <address> that I've written here. The actual formula would look
like =CELL("TYPE",B5) to find out the data type in cell B5. Repeat the
formula for each column that is loaded into the database. Will want to know
what type of data is already in each column.

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