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Hi Thorsten,

Il 25/10/2015 23:59, Thorsten Behrens ha scritto:
Riccardo Magliocchetti wrote:
Given such a short time frame how is this time better spent from
your own experience?

Hi Riccardo,

as others said, try to push as much deliberation/setup/preps in front
of the event. TDF provides a number of cloud VMs with a pre-built
libreoffice for hackfests, so don't waste time with that during the
event. Try to have them pre-select an Easy Hack beforehand, or pick
one for them if you have an idea about their skill sets.
make sense, will try to push all the preparatory work beforehand.

For keeping people involved, of course a working libreoffice compile
on their laptops is sortof nice, so this could be something to do in
the background while working on the cloud instances. Don't expect all
builds to be finished after 4 hours though...
I am well aware of libo compile times :)

What do you think is more important to tackle?  helping people
getting setting up their machines, explaining libo tools /
development, going straight to easy hacks or something else?

The gratification of having an Easy Hack submitted to gerrit & merged
is hard to beat. I'd go with that.
Indeed, better return home with something accomplished.

Thanks a lot

Riccardo Magliocchetti


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