Hi all,
I had some private mails with Shivam. I have suggested to create a new
document and verify, that the default style has filling NONE.
Code pointers for that are:
new document: use loadFromDesktop with pseudo URL privat:factory/sdraw
getting a style: SdImportTest::testTdf97808() in
examine a property of a style: SdMiscTest::testFillGradient() in
Kind regards
Shivam Kumar Singh schrieb am 18-Jan-20 um 21:07:
Hi all,
My patch for tdf#123847 has been pushed to master and now I need to
write unit test for the bug . I went through the wiki but am still
having trouble writing one.Could anyone guide me through which kind of
test I need to do and how to do that ?
Sincerely ,
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