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Hi Eike,

What is the best way to proceed?
What follows is just a brainstorm, there may be quirks..

That looks like a long way to go (and IMHO we should include WEEKNUM/ISOWEEKNUM too, then).

I am beginning to think (call it a brain wavelet, anyway far from a brain storm, I'm carefull with 
my sparse brain matter)  there may be another option.
With new versions, new functions are introduced, which cannot be read by older versions. We accept 
In this case, it's the same function, but with a new option (i.e. not having to provide argument 
Is it really a problem that -if and only if the optional argument is ommitted- older versions 
cannot read it?
With a proper mention in the help text (possibly in the function wizard hint as well), users of the 
ODF-compliant version are warned that if they want backward compatibilty, they need to provide the 
optional argument.
For export to Excel format, the same applies and (soon) there is a choice of several 
Excel-CEILING/FLOOR functions.

In short, I tend to be a supporter of a change at once with proper information of it to the user as 
opposed to your gradual (5 versions) change with risks of complications should anything happen with 
respect to the developer feeding the patches to these 5 versions or the function definitions 



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