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On a side note, when fast-scrolling through artists on an iPod classic or
contacts on an Android phone (and probably iPhone), the first letter of the
current artists/contacts you're scrolling through is shown front and centre
on screen in a huge transparent font. Something similar to this could be
quite nice in LO with page numbers in Writer and Slide numbers in Impress.
Good idea, but it would look less than amazing in LibO. Currently even
even simple actions like clicking on one of the buttons in the start
centre can produce a flicker. Unless anyone really decides to rewrite
LibO in Qt or GTK/Clutter, such a feature won't make users (at least,
me) happy.

As it currently looks in the little survey, there are many of you that
will need page numbers in another place, too, not just on the document
background—because you're working in a non-maximised window (that's
what I meant by full-screen, sorry for the confusion) on often smaller
screens or use multiple pages/multiple documents at once. So I give up
on wanting to remove page numbers from the status bar.

In the original (Citrus UI) proposal, the number also serves as a page (or
slide) handle. When you click it, you get a contextual toolbar with all the
commands pertaining to the page [group]: page style, layout, format,
orientation, margins, columns, borders, header, footer, etc.
I don't know, but I can't imagine this kind of behaviour when the page
numbers are not always visible. When you add a menu to the page
numbers you easily start depending on them and sometimes not seeing
the numbers will create confusion and enrage users who wonder where
the easy way of adjusting the page just went. Many probably will
assume that they'll have to zoom out again (if they don't know they
can find the same things in the (context) menu).


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