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On 05/20/2011 10:22 AM, drew wrote:
On Fri, 2011-05-20 at 15:08 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:

From: drew<>
Sent: Tue, 17 May, 2011 16:15:04
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Updated (EN) tri-fold brochure

On Sun, 2011-05-15 at 20:59 -0400, drew wrote:


Pushed a new update to the file on the wiki

Some text updates coming from the us_mktg list, primarily the removal of the
secondary line for supported platforms.

(mentioning BSD on interior being one)

Comments, suggestions welcomed as it is never really done, really, it's
just tonights copy.

Hi :)
I still don't see the point of removing or avoiding mentioning that LO can be
run on other platforms, particularly when those platforms don't support MSO.
There are 2 lines that say "The free power-packed, Open Source, personal
productivity suite for:" and the next line misses out saying "BSD" although it
looks as though there is plenty of room to mention it.  There would be more room
if "MS" was missed off the front of "MS Windows".  Are there non-MS versions of
Windows?  Do MS require that MS is always put in front of "Windows"?  (in which
case a vast amount of writing about Windows is in breach.)
Have i missed a day or 2 worth of emails explaining that LO suddenly doesn't
work on BSD?  We tend not to hear from people where things have gone smoothly
and have only heard from a couple of people that have had minor issues with LO
on BSD.  I take that as a good sign.  I am not on the devs list so perhaps
people there have decided that LO doesn't work?
Regards from
Hi Tom

No one is saying it doesn't work on BSD - the discussion on the US mktg
list was more to do with "What platforms do you find when you visit the
main LibO site" and in that respect the answer is, these three (win,
linux, OS X). So the idea was to keep the marketing piece in alignment
with the website.

Finally, there is a reason this is done on the open mailing list - so if
you have some specific wording?

Does LibreOffice's web site tell people how to install it on BSD? They have a help page for installing it on Linux. If we do list BSD on the pamphlet, we will need to be read for questions for installing it on BSD. I know how to do Windows and Ubuntu/Deb installs, and I gave the NA DVD to a friend [Monday] that uses a Mac. I have not heard anything yet about problems with the Mac install. I only have Windows XP and Vista, plus Ubuntu 10.04LTS for my operating systems so I have never tried to install it on MacOSX.
So if there is not references to BSD install, maybe we should say 
"Windows, Linux, MacOSX, and other platforms", with the "other 
platforms" in the small print.
We could debate the wording back-and-forth to the point where we do not 
like such-and-such word or coma placement, but the real point is do we 
have the generalized or major points covered?  If we state everything we 
could about why you should use LibreOffice, we would have a booklet 
instead of a pamphlet.  Maybe one day that might happen, but right now 
we need to get it finalized for our first "official publication".
Hopefully Drew will have the time to place the NA DVD project's ISO 
files[s] online and post the URL.  Then we can tweak the paperwork as 
needed.  I think it is time that we give the marketing community the 
chance to download the DVD and try it themselves, instead of just 
testing it out online.  The DVD label for the first DVD is finished.  
The DVD insert seems to be ready [except any minor tweaks people want].  
The DVD cover sheet is ready.  The pamphlet is ready, except for any 
work that we feel could make it better.  So that seems to be everything 
we need to "publish" our DVD except the URL of the ISO file.  Then 
people will have a chance to work with our English Windows/Linux/MacOSX 
DVD [including a Windows portable version].  Then we can finish the 
editing of the English Windows-only DVD and do its paperwork for it to 
be out there instead of just a test version online.  Then maybe we can 
get more of our Spanish users/marketers to look at our Spanish language 
version of these DVD so we can have it worked on fast enough to have it 
ready sometime in the summer for its "publication".  Thanks to some 
members in South America, and other places, we have been able to start 
the Spanish version of our project.
So do we NEED to list all the platforms that LibreOffice can be used on, 
for just the 3 major ones?
Is there anything else that is blocking our "publication" of our 
project?  Can we say we are done and get the ISO file online and have an 
official announcement, maybe on the announcement list, that the English 
version of our project it ready for people to use?

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