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In the past using different software (Ami Pro & lotus smartsuite) I had created a text box to go past the margins or reduced the font size to keep it on the same line (or both); it works for me as I don't particularly like word wrapping or word splitting. But these 2 ideas might help in the mean time.
John B


On 10/06/2011 08:49, Stephan Zietsman wrote:
never punctual wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions so far. I guess hyphenation could be useful in
some cases, but it seems to be more of a luxury for me to have that feature
at the moment because I'm still not sure how the Tools -->  Language -->
Hyphenation option works.

However, I did look into the Word Wrap option. All the options under Format
-->  Wrap are greyed out, and I think this is why:

I think that Word Wrap option refers to wrapping around pictures, and not
what I want to do (leave the first part of the long word on the line it
started on). I think this is why it's greyed out by default; I would have to
paste a picture and select it or something in order to set those Word Wrap

Ron, I think your workaround is very clever, and it worked perfectly with
URLs at least. After inserting a space to split the URL, I basically created
2 separate URLs that I could fix by editing the hyperlink. In fact, I can
generalize this option to long words that aren't URLs; it would actually be
easier in those cases because I would just have to choose a place to split
the word and not have to worry about fixing the hyperlinks to make them

But is there a less time consuming and more standardized option? The short
term problem with this workaround is that I have to guess at where the word
should be split. It would be easier of Libreoffice Writer gave the option of
allowing the long word to continue until no more characters fit in the
original line instead of just bumping the whole word down to the next line,
because then I won't have to figure out the exact point at which no more
characters would fit. Splitting it with a space means the user is left to do
all the work that could be automated by Libreoffice.

The lack of this feature bothers me so much that I'm tempted to learn C++
just to add it :(

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Hi never punctual,
I think hyphenation is probably what you're looking for.  It can be
applied manually or automatically.  I just tested it with your
superduperlongURL and it looks like it works.  It is described in the
wiki, I suggest you read it there:

In summary (taken from the wiki page):

To Automatically Hyphenate Text in a Paragraph:
     1. Right-click in a paragraph, and choose Paragraph.
     2. Click the Text Flow tab.
     3. In the Hyphenation area, select the Automatically check box.
     4. Click OK.

To Automatically Hyphenate Text in Multiple Paragraphs:
If you want to automatically hyphenate more than one paragraph, use a
paragraph style.
For example, enable the automatic hyphenation option for the "Default"
paragraph style, and then apply the style to the paragraphs that you
want to hyphenate.
     1. Choose Format - Styles and Formatting, and then click the
Paragraph Styles icon.
     2. Right-click the paragraph style that you want to hyphenate, and
then choose Modify.
     3. Click the Text Flow tab.
     4. In the Hyphenation area, select the Automatically check box.
     5. Click OK.
     6. Apply the style to the paragraphs that you want to hyphenate.

To Manually Hyphenate Single Words:
To quickly insert a hyphen, click in the word where you want to add
the hyphen, and then press Ctrl+Hyphen(-).


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