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On 06/29/2015 07:58 AM, Matthew J. Francis wrote:
I'm intermittently experiencing the attached deadlock in some Python code.

As far as I can tell, the deadlock appears to be between a call to an
XTopWindowListener in thread 1 (the listener, also in Python code,
doesn't yet do anything more than print "I am here" on a callback) and
the main thread which is attempting to enumerate the paragraphs of a
text document in thread 2.

Could anyone with more experience in UNO and locking matters help me to
understand what's going on here? If what I'm trying to do is essentially
not going to work, there is the alternative of busy-waiting for windows
to appear, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
In <>, the main thread 1 issued an URP 
request of css.awt.XTopWindowListener.windowActivated (and blocks 
waiting on the reply), while thread 2 serves an incoming URP request on 
SwXText::getPropertySetInfo (which happens to block waiting on the 
No other thread 3--9 looks like it has the SolarMutex locked, so it must 
be thread 1 that has it locked while making the windowActivated call, 
which would be a programming error somewhere in the call chain leading 
up to there.


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