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On 03/09/2011 09:19 AM, David Griffiths wrote:
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

Ubuntu 10.10, LibreOffice 3.3.1 from the LibreOffice download page, not
from the repository or PPA.

I was working with a document in Writer that had a large image in the

I had Wrap set as "through" and "in background" checked.  This was the
only way I could get the text to go over top of the image. Then I
cut/pasted text for another document to "written" over the background
image.  I made the document text be in two columns, working with only
the left one, at this time.

Here is the "bug".  When I wanted to bold some words in the text, I
could not highlight/select the text so I could bold it.  I could do the
select/bold when there is no background image.  The "Select All" option
still worked, but I could not get the first word in the line/paragraph
selected to be changed to bold, italic, etc..

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a "bug"?

Some people would use draw for what I am doing, but I am more
comfortable with Writer for dealing with columns of text.  So I worked
on a landscape document with most of the page covered with the
background image.  I use what I am most comfortable with, so right now I
am using Writer.  Later I could learn to use Draw for this, or use
Inkscape which is my default way of doing this work.  But I wanted to
try it in Writer.

Hi. I can confirm the issue you describe. I also can only select text that is
outside the graphic. It does appear to be a bug unless it is designed to
function like this. Perhaps someone else may know.

However, have you tried Format/Page and then adding the graphic via the
Background tab? This works well if you are able to position the image where
you want it. Then, with a multi-column layout, individual words can be
selected for formatting without issue.


Regards Dave
Well did not try it that way. I will look into doing that.

I am making a landscape document that is folded in half, like a tri-fold brochure, but only one fold.

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