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On 2020-02-22 17:04, txemaclon wrote:
Libreoffice writer is a thousand times better than MS Word. But ... I
think Writer is too similar to Word, or at least too much inspired by
him, and so it is very difficult to be something really good. ...
Without disagreeing with either of your points, I think you need to realize that "better" is not adequate to 
guarantee use. (If it were, Word would not have displaced WordPerfect.) Enough people are sufficiently intimidated by 
these tools that they want little more than the comfort of relative familiarity. If LO sacrifices that (not to mention 
DOC/DOCX read and write), it will be difficult to get people to switch to something better. At least LO has not yet 
inflicted a ribbon on its users. Virtually every LO enhancement has to weigh the "compatibility" canard.

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