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Does this still happen if you update to LO7.4?
If I open yyy.odt, and  click 'Save As' the field "Name" for file name is always blank.
On 19/07/2023 05:38, Philip Jackson wrote:
Hi :

I'm using on UbuntuStudio and I'm always using 'save as' but I've never had the problem you describe. Sorry.

On 18/07/2023 16:13, Mike Scott wrote:
Hi all; a very weird issue has been found by my wife, which I can repeat on a separate machine. Both use LO on Mint 21.
What happens is this. Take an odt file, open it in Writer then go to 
'Save As'. The expected behaviour is that the filename in the 
dialogue box will be filled in and selected/highlighted and there'll 
be no file type appended. Eg, I open yyy.odt, and 'Save As' displays 
just 'yyy' (highlighted).
However, sometimes and for no apparent reason, the dialogue box 
instead displays filename and file type ('yyy.odt'), with the type 
(only) highlighted. This causes issues when trying to save as a 
different type (eg as .docx)
Even more odd is that simply copying  (^C, ^V in a file manager) a 
wrongly-behaving file to a different directory can change the behaviour.
I wondered if my wife had managed to include some weird character, but
the filename /looks/ kosher: 'ls -1 | od -cb' shows nothing untoward. And indeed, one or two of my own files show the same behaviour. (I rarely use 'Save As' anyway.)

I'm at a bit of a loss about where to check next. Has anyone else experienced this please and can say what's happening?

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