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Hi all,

I lost my memory and messed tdf#90386 with another thing.
It didn't seem to work properly since IE8 / LO4.2.2, though I did try to
fix it.

2016-01-01 12:17 GMT+08:00 Chris Sherlock <>:

Unless I'm much mistaken, the ActiveX control does almost exactly the same
thing that the browser plugin did for Netscape.

Given that in Edge Microsoft will not be supporting ActiveX plugins any
more, isn't the justification for removing the ActiveX control the same as
for remove the NSAPI plugin?

Incidentally, in the bug references, if I had to hazard a guess, the ocx
needs to be registered manually.


On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Thorsten Behrens <> wrote:

Mark Hung wrote:
A valid use case is to read the uploaded documents on SharePoint server
Eventually it obsoletes, but I prefer to consider this when facing some
directly related event.
 ( i.e EOL of Windows7, new toolchain ceasing ActiveX support, or
issue which lacks of engineer resource ) .

Yeah. Unless this is not working anywhere anymore, let's keep it for
the while - seems it's useful at least in some cases. And the cost of
maintaining it is currently near zero, no?


-- Thorsten

LibreOffice mailing list

Mark Hung


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