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On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 12:04 +0200, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
You mean, you let 
"hide a WaE... should be fixed properly when the issue is understood" 
        Wait - is this the end of the world ? we had a completely benign
warning on master ! :-) it lasted for a day or two, Norbert patched it
out and mailed me, and I fixed it 'properly'.

        I'm sorry - I'm really not seeing the problem here.

just because you think you can live without this helpful 
--enable-werror stuff?  Hm.
        I use the default compile flags; sometimes that means I break people
that don't use the default compile flags; c'est la vie - on the other
hand -a-little- breakage that is easily fixed is an -excellent-
trade-off for pace of development.

        The 'good old' days - where all work had to be done in a branch, and
then compiled on two platforms before merging is *gone* (and -very- good
riddance). I'll personally stamp on anything that smells like an attempt
to pull us back to that world -really- hard :-) JFYI. If brokenness gets
to master, fine - we fix it ASAP, and hope that people commit features &
fixes more frequently :-)

        I don't view a single transient warning as anything broken.

    Sure - it'd be ideal; anyhow - help much appreciate on my favorite
warning (of which I have several (tens?) of thousand when compiling):

In file included
from /data/opt/libreoffice/core/sw/source/core/doc/docfly.cxx:66:0:
warning: 'auto_ptr' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/c
Caolán already addressed that, didn't he?
        If by already - you mean on Friday evening :-) after much of the work
was done - then - perhaps :-) but the reality is that we had a situation
for several days with master giving tens of thousands of warnings while

        Traditionally Caolan and others building with -Werror have politely
fixed the warnings they found as they went along, doing a very useful
code cleaning service which is much appreciated. It is not something
that is yet possible for everyone IMHO. As when it is, I'd welcome a
formal proposal to turn -Werror-foo on by default at the TSC.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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