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With on openSUSE 15.3. here is the variation I get.

Open a new writer document.
type something in it
click save, you should be prompted to save
go to the folder you want, in the file name type File.Name.Other.Name and have auto extension checked and save.
If I go to the folder with the file, the file name is 
File.Name.Other.Name with no extension.
click the file to open (it opens in writer)
a. now click save as and the file name automatically fills with File.Name.Other.odt, the file you created does not show in the file list in the folder, you could accidentally create a new file. b. click export directly as pdf and you are prompted with the name File.Name.Other.pdf
In both the above cases you have lost part of the original file name.

The work around if you have any dots in the file name is to explicitly add .odt to the filename you create.

On 05/05/2022 06:59, LO User wrote:
*From:* Nilton Jose Rizzo []
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 21:49 UTC
*Subject:* [libreoffice-users] problem with file name with some dot on name

Hi all,

     I found a problem using my LibreOffice on FreeBSD 14-current.

     If the file name has more then one dot (.) the file dialog to save
as or export as PDF or other way to change a file name, only show all
characters until first dot ocurrence.

     One example is:

         File.Name.Other.Name.odt  it will show as File.

     The file extension (.odt or .pdf) not added on the end string

I am unable to reproduce this with on Linux and Windows. Seems
like it could be a FreeBSD issue. Where are you seeing the truncated
file name?

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