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On 21/06/14 11:07, Mateusz Zasuwik wrote:

I noticed you guys heavily work over many dead formats. But did anyone
think about better PDF Import? I lost my data lately and I had open some
old PDF files which turn out to be normal PDF (not hybrid PDF/ODT). I
opened it via LO but document was rendered within Draw, not Writer or
Impress as it should be done. You also should take account of fact that MS
Office opens every PDF file and easily convert it on its native format what
makes this software more useful for normal users. Hybrid PDF is cool
feature, but probably it won't become major file format for long time. The
market is dominated by normal PDF and in this area LireOffice just suck. So
maybe someone who assigns aims for future (TDF Board?) should regroup
thoughts once again and concentrates for features needed on a daily basis?
The right behaviour is to open PDFs in Draw.

Have you ever used MS Office 2013 to open a PDF? It sucks at least as
much as any other software.

PDF is based on PostScript, which is a page description language, and as
such is extremely difficult to convert into an editable document.

Italo Vignoli -
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