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On Wed, 12 Aug 2020 at 15:22, Milos Sramek <> wrote:

Currently, I can see only two items in Style Inspector sidebar deck in
Font name
Font size

Are you sure your local codebase is updated ?

In the file inspectorproperties.hrc there is
"Char Font Name"
but no
"Char Font Size"

You can find "Char Font Name" and "Char Height" in inspectorproperties.hrc .

Are the strings, which i can see in the Inspector, derived somehow from
the strings in  inspectorproperties.hrc?


On 8/4/20 7:59 AM, Shivam Kumar Singh wrote:


Work Done this week :-
* tdf#135178 tdf#135179 tdf#134820 SetChgLink was not correctly called and
used which led to crash on moving the cursor to different images or charts.
This issue was fixed, MERGED
* tdf#134831 The SI would expand only to 2/3rd of the sidebar though its
expected to expand to the whole length. This change was fixed and merged.
* tdf#134560 tdf#135107 Previously the API names for the properties were
shown in the SI, which was not very easy to understand. These properties
are now human-readable and translatable wrt UI language. MERGED

To Do for this week :-
* Add color boxes to "Color" properties tdf#134561
* Some ui issues still exist relating to the scroll bars. This should be
fixed within this week tdf#135344
* Add a way to also display properties which are stored in structs in the
UNO API tdf#135406

All the bugs are being listed at META tdf#134554, It would be great help
if more number of people use the SI and report any bugs experienced or
confirm the already listed unconfirmed ones.

Thank you Mike, Heiko and Tomaz for their continuous guidance :)

Shivam Kumar Singh

LibreOffice mailing 

Milos Sramek,


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