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Marc you mentioned a lack of a spell checker. what bout on any OS using another dictionary like Aspell or something of the sort?
On 12/07/2010 07:33 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2010-12-06 17:10, Michael Meeks a écrit :
ingos us Well - we are looking again at how best to re-package it. The 'obvious'
solutions are not very pleasant ones though. So - with only ten
languages (all of my Catalan, Hungarian, .... friends start screaming) -
we can cover some huge proportion of our users, and then it is only the
minority languages that have either a huge download, or separate / split

    On the other hand - now is not a wonderful time to be discovering
this:-)  The outline of what was suggested wrt. multi-language installs
has been on the table for several months, and was there in Beta3; RC1 is
not an ideal time to notice these issues.
Actually, IMO, this may be an unfortunate time to discover this, but 
still better than to have our product released when we know that it 
could be improved still before release. There is nothing wrong with 
taking a step back. We are a new distro and still ironing out bugs 
within our organisation.
I, for one, would not be upset if the release is put back if it means 
delivering a better product. I don't believe that there will be much 
public backlash either.
Lack of help file and spellchecker is not going to be a great selling 

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