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On Sun, 2010-11-21 at 10:35 +0100, David Tardon wrote:
On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 11:20:34PM +0100, Pierre-André Jacquod wrote:
was just tired to try reading code like:
#if 0
    read a lot here
    cool I will be compiled

So I started to track it down systematically. Just hope I was not to
much aggressive.

So I submit for review / proposal this first pack in little chunk. Will
be easier to reject some part...

 ps : really boring to do this

#if 1
 ps2: never though there are so many places like this

I left out a couple of hunks that removed (potentially) useful comments
and a couple of others that removed TODO code. Someone with detailed
knowledge of calc (hi, Kohei :) should look at these and decide if they
can still be useful.
What you've skipped look good to me.  FYI I use this

#if 0 //FIXME: Reason for temporary disablement.

#if 0
    // TODO: Enable this when (so and so)

style of temporary disablement of code blocks quite frequently.  Some
get forgotten & are safe for removal, while others I'd still like to
keep.  Especially the one disabled in the externalrefmgr.cxx is going to
be re-enabled soon, which you correctly skipped. ;-)



Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc


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