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       yes, Andrew, it works that way ...
           but I don't want to complete the PP then select the font-color;
              I want to see each slide finished before going on to the next

       With each font, the placement & size changes, therefore by waiting
until after the PP is completed before choosing the font would mean I'd
have to re-do each slide again to be sure the placement was just so.  That
method is even more time consuming.
           [this probably explains why so many PPs look messy, with the
lettering catawampus, the pictures skewed, ... ]

       BTW FYI - right below the timing button, is the apply to all button.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Andrew Brager <> wrote:

On 7/25/2012 6:30 PM, anne-ology wrote:
        Forinstance, this last presentation I chose the blue border ...
I always choose the blank slide [although this refuses to remain the
default], ... then I chose the effects, the timing, ... then there's no
place to choose the font for the text.

You are correct, there is no menu item where you can select a font that is
subsequently the default for that slide or file.  In order to change the
font you have to select the text (or modify its style).  The text needs to
be highlighted with the mouse cursor.  Do you understand and know how to do

        Then I added twice the number of slides I figured I'd need [added
this time] ... then clicked on 'apply to all'.

What are the steps to get to this "apply to all" button?  I don't remember
seeing it.

         Then I added text to the first slide - the size of the font here
would be different being the header, [I chose papyrus with red] ...
            then I went on to the next slide ... and added the text ... it
was Ariel with black,
            so I 'selected all' & re-chose the font & color ... ditto for
each subsequent slide; each time, I can return to hit the 'apply to all'
... but the text & color do not remain.

Before you "select all" you need to go to the OUTLINE tab.  Do you know
how to do that?

Before you go to the outline tab you need to TYPE in ALL of your text.
 However, to save you some work, lets limit "all" to two slides.  So...

STEP 1:  Create 2 slides (you've already done that).
STEP 2: Type in all of your text into all of your slides  (here we're
pretending that 2 slides are all you have)
STEP 3: Go to the OUTLINE tab.  Note that you can go to the outline tab
before or after typing in text, the order doesn't matter but you MUST be in
OUTLINE mode before selecting all.
STEP 4: Select all.  (One way to do this is with CTRL-A).  You should
visually see all of your text on all of your (2) slides highlighted.
STEP 5:  Change the font (I assume you know how to change the font. If
not, ask.)  Also make your color changes at this time.

Note: I have not tested this with color, just fonts.

Be advised this is NOT the best way to design your presentation. The
experts here (which I'm not) recommend (and I have no argument with them)
that the best way to change fonts and other attributes is through the use
of styles.

You should be aware that manually changing fonts as described above
SUPERSEDES styles.  In other words, you can change the style attributes all
you want, if you've already manually changed the font, styles will have no
effect.  To get styles to work again, you need to select the text and click
on the FORMAT menu then select the DEFAULT FORMATTING menu item which is
first on the list.  That will clear the above manual font changes and the
styles should automatically start working.  This is probably the key to
your style problems.

Of course for you to see any style changes you have to first change the
style attributes.  Ask if you don't know how to do that.

         These details are added for you, Dan, although it works/doesn't
the same no matter what other styles I've chosen, either initially or as I
add the new slides.

        Andrew, I think you're the only one who understands to what I'm
referring; thanks.

Yeah, I hear that a lot. :-\

To those that can do something about it:  I've noticed there are some
confusing aspects.  For one thing, right clicking on text brings up a menu
that has a "styles" item.  Those styles refer to what is elsewhere called
"font effects".  For example "strikethrough", bold, italics, etc.  This can
be confusing to a beginner.  In the "normal" tab, right clicking shows a
menu item called "edit style".  In the "outline" tab that item appears to
become "presentation object".  There are other similar confusing and
inconsistent items related to this.  Someone really needs to sit down and
take a good look.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Dan <> wrote:

      Could we be more detailed in this thread, please? I don't know what

mean when you ask "So you're able to change the text on all the slides?"
What type of change are you talking about? Are you talking about changing
the font of the text on all the slides?
      You have not even stated what style you have applied to your text.
Nor have you stated what styles you are using in your slides. Nor have
described what layout you have selected from the Layout section of the
Pane. Please give us some details.
      I was using styles in Impress before OOo 2.0. For all layouts which
have a title "box" at the top of the page, LO and AOO apply the Title
listed in the Presentation styles list. Modifying this style modifies all
the titles in all the slides at the same time. You have a copy of my
show. Change one of the styles in the Title style and look at the titles
all the styles. For example, in the Font Effects tab, change the font
color. This will change the font color for every slide title in the
presentation. What I have described is how Impress has worked for


anne-ology wrote:

          So you're able to change the text on all the slides?;
            then mine has a bug in it somewhere ... carried over from
guess  ;-)

         So, all you computer geniuses, what's the solution? - I'm
your responses now.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Andrew Brager <>

   I don't know anything about the inner workings of LO.  I'm actually
just a

 beginner with LO and I had never opened Impress until you posted.
The method I described below allows you to change all the slides at the
same time, so you only have to make the change once.  Of course if you
more slides you need to do it again for the new slides.  No, it's not
and yes it would be nice if it worked the way you describe.  Good idea!

On 7/25/2012 8:26 AM, anne-ology wrote:

         Exactly my point, BUT it has to be done with each slide  ;-)

         It would be nice, if the font was selectable on that initial
when starting a new file ...
             [would this expand the size of LO even more than it is?;
I guess, it's better this way, just frustrating at times.]

         I've even added more slides than I would need, in order to
see if
the font & color will hold, but it won't  ;-)

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Andrew Brager <


   I missed the part where you were using Impress, I thought you were

 Writer.  After re-reading your original post and some of the other
responses I think I now understand what you really want.

I also have not been able to figure out a way to do it exactly as you
described, the best I could come up with is to go to the "outline"
select all the text, then change the font.  That way, all of your
will have the same font for that one file.

Andrew Brager
Green Gold Real Estate
1331 Cottonwood Rd
Bakersfield, CA 93307
661 412 3304

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