On 01/11/2011 05:37 PM, drew wrote:
Hi Drew:
I think the nms site (http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/usage.html) has a
nice page for this technique. Notice they don't use Javascript to access
the browser's clipboard. Given the reason for nms's existence, I would
defer to their judgement w/r/t/ browser security and try to avoid JS
when it's just as simple to have the user copy/paste.
I'm comfortable using Gimp to resize the image. I'm happy to set up a
web page on the wiki for this purpose.
Would you please refine the following query or copy the logo's file name
to this thread?
You can find both 500 and 200 px files for the logos here:
The preference would be for the contemorary logo.
Will include the design list on this reply.
As for where, IMO, a wiki page would be good. You could maybe work on a
page under your user space no the wiki and then it can be moved into an
appropriate slot with the main content when it is ready.
OK. I've put a sample HTML on my talk page.
It needs a page style - header, footer, page background - whatever other
styling is appropriate.
I'm not subscribed to the design list, so they haven't seen this post.
OK cool, that would work for a standard web page - not sure how to make
that work on a wiki page...but perhaps we can find someone that does
know how.
I'll try to point someone your way..ok
HI Drew:
I already know how to make it work in a wiki. My point was that others
probably want to mash it up w/ other stuff. I think that's easier to do
(i.e. experiment) outside the wiki environment. But, I could be wrong.
However, now that I think of it, the specific CSS for the <pre> tag may
be an issue in the wiki environment. I think I'll take a look at that.
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- [us-marketing] Re: Using other installers as a marketing tool... (continued)
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