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On 12/03/2011 10:16 PM, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
Something like:

Build assembled from:
  repo  commit   date               branch
  core: 4f11d0a 2011-11-16 21:57:28 master
  help: adcf6d5 2011-11-05 14:01:21 master

Or instead of pretty-printing the date, just put it as seconds
since the epoch:

  core: 4f11d0a 1321480648 master
  help: adcf6d5 1320501681 master
Using pretty-printed dates would make it easier to disambiguate the 
seven-letter commit ID prefixes to the complete IDs if later commits 
happen to introduce IDs with the same prefix (in which case the commit 
date would help narrow done in which commit range to look for the given 
prefix).  (Not that the full Git IDs are unambiguous, either.  But when 
they start to clash, we are fucked, anyway.)


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