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Hi Everyone,

I recently deal with a supplier catalog/price list spreadsheet xlsx file.

That file use the "LOOKUP()" function (in Italy "RICERCA()") in many places. In one of those occurrences, the first LOOKUP() parameter (Search Criterion) was missed, but on Microsoft Excel this was ok (no errors in the cell), in LibreOffice was ko (Err:511, missing variable/parameter)! I think this difference was yielded by different assumed values of the missing parameter and/or different validation rules.
So compliance depends not only on file format, but also on function 
behaviour/validation on different program.
This is a Vendor Lockin trouble?

What do you think about? Is this a known issue?

The work environment is:
- Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64 bit, Ita gui, daily full updated;
- LibreOffice, win32, Ita gui and local help;
- Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus trial version (I had installed and then uninstalled in my notebook some weeks ago).
Have All a nice weekend,


ing. Carlo Strata
via Botticelli 1/4
30031 Dolo - VE
Italia - Italy
tel. +39.041.822.0665
cell. +39.347.85.69.824
Skype carlo.strata
Google carlo.strata.69

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