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On Thu, 2011-03-31 at 19:21 +0200, Jesús Corrius wrote:

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 7:03 PM, -скрыто- Алекса
 <> wrote: > > Let's say I need to create a
 locale file for aa-BB-cc language variant, but I cannot figure how to
 make it with just aa language and BB country codes. Is it possible?
Not really. There are various existing horrible kludges in there for
e.g. sr-Latn as "sh" and so forth.
FWIW, see for a prototype bcp47
parsing lib, e.g. for helping to wedge bcp47 support into hunspell,
enchant, fontconfig, gettext, etc. all of which IMO could do with
support for this sort of thing.

In LibreOffice we have a Locale class which has a Country field, a
Region field and a effectively unused "Variant" field. We basically
should try and wedge bcp47 into this by munging in into the "Variant"
field, See
somewhere in that thread is a sort of semi-agreed syntax for how it
should look.

See for some
related thoughts on mapping existing glibc locale strings into bcp-47



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