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Hi Luuk,

Luuk schrieb:

I tried to import some CSV-data

the source is here:

i selected (it was auto-suggested) from 28-dec-1995 to 09-jul-2011

The start of the downloaded data looks like:



When i paste this data into a new worksheet (and follow the import text
wizard) the first line looks like:
28/12/1995      228.72766       7730000
which is expected

But two lines of this export do NOT look like expected:
03/01/1996      216409  15284000
12/01/1996      205755  8403000

The '.' in the second column is missing..... ;(

Any ideas ??
When you are in the import dialog, you see a preview of the imported 
data. Click on the column header there. Then the drop-down-list to 
choose the type is enabled and you can set the type of the source.
The first column is 'Date (DMY)'
second column is 'US English'

Kind regards

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