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Hi there,

On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 16:06 +0300, Povilas Kanapickas wrote:
I've done some work on entry level tasks. Specifically, I've removed
all #if 0 blocks in the LibreOffice source tree.

 Also, a lot of bogus comments like /*N*/, /*?*/ and so on were
        Ok - so, one thing that is helpful is: if you use a script - can you
post the script instead of a patch ? :-) that way we save a lot of
reviewer time.

 As more than thousand of files have been changed I didn't try to make
a separate patch for each one. Some of the resulting patches were
really large (10MB+) thus I uploaded them to external storage. Here's
the link:
        Thanks, reviewing some of the smaller ones now :-) not all of the
conditionally compiled out code is useless, some of the in-line tests
are perhaps useful to keep (for now) until we have a good unit test
framework. I've pushed base, libs-extern, impress, bootstrap and still
working ...

I contribute under LGPLv3+. Hope you can merge my contributions :)
        Certainly ! much appreciated. It'd be great to move up the hirearchy of
'easiness' though - the goal of the easy tasks is only secondarily to
make the code prettier, primarily it is to get people building,
contributing, and get stuck into the code :-) ie. if we wrote a single
script that fixed all the easy tasks in an hour - this would not be a
perfect outcome ;-)

        What most interests you in LibreOffice ? do you have some deeper goal
in one of the components / filters / features we can help you with ?
[ and are you on IRC ? ] :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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