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Hi Dan,

thanks for your response, I will investigate the problem further. As soon I 
can define it clearly I will give a message.


Am Mittwoch, 21. November 2012 schrieb Dan Lewis:
        Very likely the exception is the reason for the error. It is a
bug that you should probably report to Debian. I can not duplicate your
error, but I download all my LIbreOffice from its website. Various
distributions of Linux modify LibreOffice somewhat before putting them
in the repositories. This leads to unintended bugs. This was true for
OOo going back to 1.1.x, and it seems to be the case for LO as well.
      In your case, deleting content in **any** cell should not delete
the paragraph within the cell. It sounds like deleting the contents
deletes all reference to the cell in the XML. It may seem that it is
there, but it is not.


On 11/21/2012 09:15 AM, Walther Koehler wrote:

no rule without exception:

I never was able to find out which special sequence gives rise to this

Deleting the content of the last cell in a writer table, the paragraph
mark of that cell is deleted, such that no content can be added in that
cell. Usually, shortly afterwards writer crashes.
(Debian lenny, LO 3.5.5)


Am Mittwoch, 21. November 2012 schrieb Dan Lewis:
On 11/21/2012 06:07 AM, Barry Say wrote:
Hi all,

Is it the case that a document **must* *end with a paragraph mark. I
am editing a publication which is a master document and I would like
to specify that for a given sub-document I wish to have nothing below
it on the page but when I insert a page break I am given another page
with a blank paragraph which I do not want. I am aware of the
possibility of specifying that a document must start a fresh page, but
I have tried that in the past and introduced a non-deletable feature
in the master document.

Any thoughts?

       Yes, all documents **must** end with a paragraph mark. Writer
documents are written using XML. The "markers" used to format the text
are used in pairs. If there is a beginning of a paragraph, there must be
an ending of it. The paragraph markers only visually show you where the
paragraphs begin and end.
       I just created a master document from 4 chapters that I have.
(Total pages: 212) In the master document, nothing is below the end of a
given chapter; the next chapter begins with on a new page. And if the
subdocument ended as an odd page in the master document, a blank page
was added so that the new chapter begins as an odd page.
       How did you create the master document? If we had your steps,
someone might be able to discover what has to be done differently.


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