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Hi Christoph, Klaus-Jürgen, Michel,

On 26 January 2012 21:00, Christoph Noack <> wrote:
I think it is a job like a facility manager/consierge or - if this
sounds a little bit better - a mentor.
The lead should have a look on the different work that come up on one of
the two parts of the design team (vi (visual identity) and ux (user
experience)), sometimes coordinate it a bit, give some advices.
I think that frames it very well.
I guess I second that ... I would have almost sent an own mail that
would have said almost the same things. Even down to the words "go-to
person" and "mentor".

Although just anybody can pick up
things and organize what is important - there is no real need to be
called a leader. In fact, this project isn't that much about leadership,
it is about meritocracy. Thus, if somebody has a proven track record of
doing cool stuff (tm), then he automatically leads somehow.
Then, why not just call what we used to call "leads" "mentors", as
other parts of the project do, too?

I'd be happy to (at least kind of) fulfil such a role ... even if I am
not quite trusting my mentoring skills and as for professional
background in UX, I lack quite a bit, in contrary to Christoph. But
I'll try to be friendly and such...

Now, Christoph, just to say that, it makes me tremendously happy that
you want to stay with LibreOffice even though you now have a family,
as I am pretty sure there is no else on this list that has both the
professional background that you have and is so enthusiastic about the

By the way, you said, you were quite happy about how 3.5 turned out
and it's correct there are some really nice things, many of which you
helped build, like the headers/footers stuff and the named ranges
dialogue. What's huge to me is that we're finally bundling a grammar
checker (if only for English, Russian and Hungarian).
Nevertheless, there's a lot to do for 3.6. Here's laundry list of
things I'd really love to use in the next few versions (in no
particular order):
* simpler colour dialogues,
* more modeless dialogues,
* fewer, but prettier icons and better-organised icon themes,
* simpler options,
* the overflow menu,
* stable GTK+3 port (and better system integration in general),
* addition of modeless information bars, some automatic alignment of
UI elements as well as logical grouping of elements in VCL
* graphical UI editor (so it becomes easier for both us and also the
devs to create new UI)
* fleshed-out branding (there's quite an amount of things that didn't
seem so important initially, like for instance extensions, generic
templates, business cards or the printer admin that use somewhat
suboptimal icons)
* ...
(I will be happy to try and help with any of those things.)

So why did we have that "leader" voting before? Because we are still a
young project with - especially in our team - topics where "opinion of
an individual" looks as valid as "fact based on research". Plus, it
really helps to know what goes on in other teams, otherwise the
"guidance" might lead into the wrong direction.
Thanks for that clarification from your side.
I agree, communication not just with developers, but also
accessibility, documentation, marketing and users is really
important... (my list is probably non-exhaustive)


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