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Le 2010-10-27 10:51, Drew Jensen a écrit :
On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 08:36 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2010-10-27 02:38, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Ben,
thanks for pointing this out. I've now enabled subpages.
Thanks Florian. Is there a document page where I can see how this works?
I am new to all of this and am making quite a few Wiki pages on the US
Marketing Wiki.

Howdy Marc

There really isn't anything to do - this is all automatic in the
MediaWiki engine.

Any page will now display this 'bread crumb' hierarchical menu on the
upper portion on the page allowing the reader to easily navigate back to
the 'parent' page.

Neat! This is really handy.

-- BTW was just up on the Marketing page(s) - you (and others) really
are putting a lot of effort in to this - it's shaping up nicely.

Thanks. I figure this week for organisation (I am really concentrating 
on the Canadian Wiki now) and next week data mining and then the 
Canadian are will be ready to do mass mailouts for the announcement of 
the first LibO version. I am also hoping to do a membership drive in all 
provinces and to get members set in each major cities in the province. I 
should be able to do this through my teacher connections. This should 
get the network up and going and hopefully, the teachers will be able to 
help with membership growth.

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