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On 28.01.2015 03:14, Jesper Hertel wrote:
2015-01-28 2:59 GMT+01:00 Robinson Tryon <

    2) What will the language be for builds w/o langpacks? Just a generic
    'English'? (maybe we can call it "LibreOffice English" :-)

Maybe there should be no such build at all. 
perhaps it would be possible to identify the strings by integers and
produce en-US "translations" from that via the l10n tooling...

... but there has to be a default language, otherwise developers will
become grumpy because builds will take longer and use more disk space;
the "translations" git repository currently takes up 2GB, which is 40%
more space than the source code ("core") repo, (+ 1.5GB for the working
copy), and is growing at a faster rate, so it is good that the
translation repository is optional and only downloaded if you use

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