You know, my biggest thought is that if we want to get LibO into a more
widespread acceptance then we have to get into the Schools.
You tend to stick with what you learn first and that should be our number 1
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
Le 2010-10-20 08:43, James Walker a écrit :
I would be very interested in your ideas, I hope that you will share them
soon, I would love to get started sooner, rather than later.
Hi Ben:
I have started 2 threads on the marketing list
[libreoffice-marketing] LibO in Education (JK-High School and NOT post
grad. university/college)
[libreoffice-marketing] LibO in Academia
I am really interested in improving the LibO suite pagackaging so that it
better suits these 2 areas of education. IMHO, I hope to work with
interested dev. (once they identify themselves as interested) so that
plugins could be either moded or developed to accomplish this.
After this, we could devise a more concentrated marketing strategy to gain
a larger foothold in the educational field. I have had 18 years of
experience in this field in Ontario, Canada and have worked on committees at
the provincial and local board levels as well as administrative levels as a
school board specialist. I may be able to help with market strategies as
well as expected results from approaching federal, provincial and local
board levels, both at the public, catholic (we have this division in
Canada), private levels. I also have contacts and could probably arrange for
group testing at the teacher as well as student levels.
As for Academia, I have had over 30 years of ties both at the academic (I
have taught at some summer workshops approx. 15-20 years ago at University
level) and technical level (I am also a piano tuner by trade and period
keyboard restoring specialist). I can probably convince an extremely small
group for testing purposes, but I think we may have already enough academics
on the list who are prepared to help in this way.
Marc Paré <>
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