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On 09/19/2012 11:56 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
No, it is not a good idea to take a break.

But it is time to tell those people who do use MSO that they are
changing their pricing policy and almost forcing their users to rent
their products in the near future.

It is time that the users start thinking about their long term use of
MS's Office and other business software.  You no longer will be able
to buy their products in any reasonable price, for MS that is, and not
know if you rent it for X dollars for the first year, it will not go
up to 150% of X dollars in year two.  You will then have to pay their
"ransom" or you loose the ability to use the software on your computer.

Then there is the multi-license discount - or should it be the end of
the multi-license discount.  Businesses with 50 or 100 computers will
be required to but a single user license for every computer at $150+
per license.  The rental agreement plan is not that much better of an

So now you can say that every computer they own can have a copy of LO
for free.  Every updated or new version of LO will be free, unlike
MSO's policy.  No need to rent or buy anything office suite package
anymore.  FREE now and FREE in the future.

MSO just wants to force a user to pay them over and over for the same
software, for as long as you live.  Then when you die, you heirs will
be forced to pay MS's blood money for the rest of their lives.  This
maybe a good plan as a revenue generation, but not for the users.
I think MS renting MSO is a golden opportunity for some marketing;
particularly in the US.

Jay Lozier

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