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Hi Julien,

On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 00:25 +0100, Julien Nabet wrote:
I worked a little on "add slide thumbnails to HTML export" part.
The code compiles ok with Debian testing  updated x86 (and no parameter 
at all in autogen), gcc (Debian 4.5.2-4)
        Nice work :-)

I only tried this :
- create a impress document with 2 slides
- export to XHTML, HTML and save it in test.html
        Good stuff.

then I got these files :
I don't know if it's what was expected but i'm sure it needs some 
reviewing since I added, changed and removed 1 or 2 things from the 
original patch.
        Heh - so, the essence is that the front-page of the slideshow:

- test.html

        should have a little mosaic of the slides that you can click on (prolly
this needs some html div/whatever love - perhaps we can ask the
UI/design guys about that as/when we create the new list for that).

If this patch is ok, i can of course push it.
        Looks fine to me :-) please do push it if it works as I outline
above ;-)

        We should also consult the design team as to whether they want this to
be optional; there is a big white-space for 'options' in the 2nd page of
the HTML export wizard that we could whack that into. Then again, IMHO
adding gratuitous options is mostly cowardly (as previously discussed),
either way IMHO the option should be on by default if it is there I

        No doubt, there is quite some scope for cleaning up the HTML the HTML
export dialog generates too in the light of the modern web.

        While we're there; we should prolly ask the design guys to address the
-very- blury artwork banners in that HTML export dialog, it looks odd to
me (though perhaps it is a 'feature-not-bug' ;-)

        Thanks !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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