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Thank you for your welcome !

I was not sure about /git diff/ or /git format-patch/. Next time it would be better :)
I'm studying in Sophia-Antipolis, near to Nice, more precisely in 
Polytech'Nice-Sophia <>.
I'm not sure to be able to convince my teachers, but i will talk about 
it after the Xmas holidays.
Now, i will take other "easy tasks" and try to send my code.


Le 22/12/2010 14:49, Cedric Bosdonnat a écrit :
Bonjour Guillaume,

On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 11:47 +0100, Guillaume Poussel wrote:
I use LibreOffice almost every day and I'm interested in Open Source
softwares, so I would like to contribute.
Then be welcomed among LibreOffice develers!

I have grabbed the code and compile it. Then, i had a look on the wiki
and found an easy task : "Remove bogus macro that expand to empty
I've attached a text file which contains my diff on 4 files I have
Many thanks for it, I've just pushed it. For a next time you may want to
create the patch using git format-patch.

Could someone please have a look and tell me if i'm on the right way ?
It's OK for me.

P.S. : I'm a french student (in computer science :) ), so I'm sorry if
my english is not perfect :)
Hey! nice to see students from french schools coming here... Where are
you studying? Would it be possible for you to convince your teachers to
switch some school dev project by a LibreOffice one?



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