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 Hi there,

Per Eriksson skrev 2010-10-11 17:03:
Sophie Gautier skrev 2010-10-11 15:30:
That's good  :-) I'm not really fit in wikidesign and I think fedora
really shows a nice way to do it. Reading the list here gave me the
expression that there are a lot of pages already but there's no navi on
the main page to access them... the docu link appeared just recently.
Yes, we really need to have links to the categories on the main page
to give some guidance to our visitors.
Per could you work on this ? Adding QA, Documentation, Marketing,
Website would be great.
Sure, let's add navigational links for the website's main navigation 
and the main wiki categories currently on the wiki + on the front 
page. That way the user will be able to navigate to both websites :-)
I could sketch something up until tomorrow, testing a few variants.
Here are some initial sketches following my ideas, which will create 
navigational possibillities for most groups I think. The links might 
have to be alittle adjusted, but the general idea is to give the users 
ways to navigate both within the wiki itself (i.e find content quickly) 
as well as finding resources on the website.
Here's an illustrating screenshot



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